
Audio / Visual

  • Wireless Lavaliere clip-on or head-set microphone with fresh batteries

LCD projector with a minimum of 2000 lumens and a large screen to project on

Sound system compatible with computer audio.

Stage/riser for the presenter when the audience is larger than fifty people.

Room Setup Tips

Use a dedicated light for the presenter. Audience members have been proven to be less distracted and better retain the information if the presenter is illuminated brighter than the audience.

Use a dark background. This again helps the audience better focus on the presenter.

Move the front row as close to the stage/riser as comfortable.

Do not over-seat the room. Filling each seat is better than leaving gaps throughout the audience, particularly the front row. If your plan is 400 audience members, set 400 chairs or less*.  Sitting next to a person rather than an empty seat increases the energy in the room.

Set the chairs wide rather than deep.  Unless the room is square, place the stage/riser in the center of a long wall and extend the audience wide rather than deep.

Create three sections of seating with two isles and angle the outer rows towards the stage.  A peripheral view of people helps increase the energy in the room.

Play music before and after your presenter. Music, more than about anything can increase the energy and set the tone for a successful presentation

If possible, place the projector somewhere other than the center of the stage. Less competition for attention equals a more engaged audience.

To introduce a presenter, use a high energy person comfortable on stage. In addition, use a predetermined introduction provided by the presenter. These two simple aspects can be a huge contributor to the energy in the room and overall production.