
Kris speaks on these topics because his experience and passion allow him to influence change in a positive direction. He has a unique way of translating value to the audience through his presentation. Kris believes that every goal is meant to be accomplished and every dream is meant to come true, so it’s his mission to help others do just that, succeed!

The Importance of Setting Goals and What it Takes to Accomplish Yours
  • Setting and reaching goals is the cornerstone to an abundance of success stories. Whether personal or for business, goals help us stay focused and reach new heights. Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done. It’s extremely difficult to accomplish far reaching goals. We can get burnt out, lose interest or run into obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. This keynote will explore why goal setting drastically improves our chances at success and enhances our everyday life. Setting and achieving goals gives us purpose, a sense of accomplishment and the confidence to pursue greater endeavors.
    • The Importance of Setting Goals and What It Takes to Accomplish Yours will cover:
      • How to set a goal to increase your probability of success
      • Rules, tips and tricks for accomplishing your goals
      • Why successful goal setting will improve many aspects of your life
      • How proper goal setting affects our mind
      • What to do after we accomplish our goals
Make the Choice to Choose to Make the Right Choice
  • Our success and failure relies on several factors, but the most consistent and controllable are the choices we make every day. It is easy to gradually slip into bad habits, develop thinking patterns that inhibit our potential and “accidentally” avoid reaching our goals, just by making a few choices we don’t realize are detrimental to our success. The same is to be said of the opposite, it only takes a few choices to drastically change our lives for the better. This keynote will explore why “choice” is integral in everyday life and how it affects our success. Making well thought out choices will prevent mistakes, increase profits, build self-control and drastically limit regrets.
    • Make the Choice to Choose to Make the Right Choice explores:
      • How to simplify difficult choices
      • Valuable resources for decision making
      • Why consistency matters in decision making
      • Choosing a better future
      • One choice that fits every situation
How to Use Teamwork to Build Your Team
  • Teams are an integral part of our life from an early age. Family teams, school teams, sports teams, working together or in teams is a huge part of our culture. We work together for many reasons. It fosters teamwork and learning, we enjoy camaraderie and our efforts together are greater than if we were to compile our separate efforts. That said, we all know what it’s like to be a part of a losing team with dysfunction and a lack of teamwork. This keynote will cover “team” from every angle, with useful tools on how to improve as an individual and as a group. The best teams get more done, win more games, have great friendships, resolve conflict constructively and have a common goal.
    • How to Use Teamwork to Build Your Team Will Cover:
      • Specific strategies on how to improve teamwork
      • Why the individual has value amongst a team
      • How to resolve conflict constructively
      • The importance of roles in a team
      • Why fun is essential to success
      • The cornerstone of teamwork, communication & trust
Find Opportunity and Thrive Amongst Change
  • Change presents itself in all shapes and sizes. Whether good or bad, big or small,we can be sure it will happen. Change is difficult because it’s generally unknown and out of our control. That said, change is the result of progress and has to happen for our aspirations to become reality. Change makes the world go around, however devastating or amazing it may be.  This keynote will explore the ups and downs of “change” and how to constructively deal with the transition. Knowing how to handle change paves the way for improvement,increases our flexibility, uncovers opportunity and much more.
    • Find Opportunity and Thrive Amongst Change explores:
      • The benefits of both wanted and unwanted change
      • Getting through difficult change
      • How to use change to create opportunity
      • How to anticipate and control change
      • The facilitation of personal growth through change

If you are looking for something a little different than what’s listed, that’s okay! Kris has spoken on topics from “How to Overcome Adversity” to “The Mentality of a Hospital Patient.” Send him what you have in mind and he will bring your ideal presentation to life. Kris prides himself on providing value to his audience and will cater his presentation to suit your needs.

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